"Santa Barbara", a durational performance showcased between December 4, 2021, and February 26, 2022, is a creative endeavor directed by Ása Helga Hjörleifsdóttir. The stage for this artistic venture was set in Moscow, commissioned by the V-A-C Foundation, and found a spot under the spotlight at GES-2, a sprawling new culture complex in the city. The project saw its birth from a collaboration that spanned across continents, reaching from Moscow to New York and Reykjavik.
"Santa Barbara" is Ragnar’s homage to one of the main soap operas, rekindling the old flames of the TV show, which was the first American soap opera to air in post-Soviet Russia. This piece is more than a mere recreation; it’s a nostalgic voyage that intertwines with the cultural and historical threads of two distinct eras and geographies.
The artwork unearths layers of the complex narrative of the soap opera, painting it with a fresh coat of theatrical aesthetics under the direction of Ása Helga Hjörleifsdóttir. The staging and production, handled by Lorem Ipsum, played a crucial role in bringing the vision of "Santa Barbara" to life, enveloping the audience in a rich tapestry of emotions, culture, and artistry. Through this lens, Ragnar explores the realms of film, music, theatre, and visual culture, a journey that’s as enthralling as it is evocative.
The narrative of "Santa Barbara" isn’t just a story told; it’s an experience lived, a moment captured in the confluence of past and present, a tale retold with a fresh breath of creativity and cultural insight.