"The End" is a noteworthy project by Ragnar Kjartansson, created for the 2009 Venice Biennale. This five-channel video installation took six months to create and was filmed in the desolate landscape of the Rocky Mountains in Banff, Canada. Kjartansson and his collaborator, musician Davíð Þór Jónsson, appear in the videos, playing various instruments and repeatedly performing the same pieces of music while dressed in elaborate costumes, from speedos to fur coats.
In this piece, Kjartansson grapples with themes of time, repetition, and the melancholy of existence, much like in his other works. The scenery and costumes lend a surreal quality to the performance, contrasting with the repetitive, haunting melodies. "The End" captures the essence of durational performance, asking viewers to contemplate the relentlessness of time and the nature of artistic production itself.
Through its multiple channels, the work offers a fractured yet cohesive narrative, immersing viewers in a unique auditory and visual experience. Articles, reviews, and critiques of "The End" can be found in art journals and Biennale coverage, giving further insights into this multi-layered piece.