"Death is Elsewhere" is a mesmerizing video installation by Ragnar Kjartansson, first unveiled in 2019. This seven-channel video work features a continuous shot of two pairs of identical twins, robed in matching outfits, singing and playing acoustic guitars in a panoramic Icelandic landscape. The twins move in and out of the frame, their voices merging in a hypnotic, folk-inspired tune with lyrics that touch upon themes of love, melancholy, and death.
The work is a meditative reflection on the sublime nature of the Icelandic landscape, the haunting beauty of the music, and the eerie doubling effect created by the twins. Its title, "Death is Elsewhere," acts as a subtle counterpoint to the piece’s ethereal beauty, reminding viewers of mortality's ever-present shadow.
Characteristic of Kjartansson’s oeuvre, the work employs repetition and duration to create an immersive, emotionally charged experience. It stands as another example of the artist’s ability to weave together various art forms—music, video, performance—into a cohesive, impactful whole. Academic articles and museum exhibitions offer further interpretations of this compelling installation.