In the realm of performance art, Ragnar Kjartansson’s "Figures in Landscape" emerges as a compelling narrative painted across a digital canvas. Unveiled in 2018, this piece is a single channel video, segmented into seven unique scenes. Each scene unfurls over a span of 24 hours, crafting a narrative that demands an entire week to fully experience.
"Figures in Landscape" is more than a mere visual feast; it’s a homage to the humanist spirit, seen through the lens of a modern-day artist, a "child of his time." Through a blend of irony and an embrace of technological advances, Ragnar constructs an enormous video work, a journey through time and emotion that celebrates humanism in its purest form
As with many of Ragnar’s creations, the essence of classical theater—with its pathos and humor—infuses life into "Figures in Landscape". His signature style of durational, repetitive performance acts as a conduit to channel collective emotion, offering a glimpse into the profound and sometimes melancholic beauty of human existence.
This performance isn’t just a passive observation but an invitation to delve into a multidimensional narrative, where each scene is a doorway to a new landscape, a new dialogue between the artist and the audience. Through "Figures in Landscape", Ragnar Kjartansson beckons the viewers to a week-long voyage of discovery, reflection, and emotional resonance.